Frequently requested information
Below you'll find information from the council's different departments. Please take a moment to view this information; it may relieve the need to search any further:
- Homelessness statistics for Harrow (and other local authorities and regions)
- Statistics for library visitors
- Controlled parking zone
- FOI statistics: PDF format | FOI statistics: CSV format
- Commercial properties:
- Business rate enquiries
- IT 3rd party contract
- IT contract details
- Pay and Display Parking spaces
- CCTV locations and Number of PCNs issued
- On street PCNs issued
Organisational information, locations and contacts, constitutional and legal governance
Relationship with other authorities
Relationships with West London Alliance, Harrow in Business and West London Business.
Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts
- Council Budgets and Spending
- Statement of Accounts
- Spending over £500
- Capital Programme
- Councillor Allowances
- Senior Manager Salaries
- Current Contracts
- Procurement Rules and Procedures
- Internal Financial Regulations
Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews
- Best Value Performance Indicator
- Harrow Local Plan Core Strategy
- Local Area Agreement
- Statistical and Census Information
- Economic Development Plan
- Customer Service Standards
- Compliments and Complaints
- Equality Impact Assessments
- Forward Plan
- Inspection Reports
Policy, proposals and decisions. Decision-making processes, internal criteria and procedures, consultations
- Timetable of Council Meetings, Agendas and Minutes
- Major Policy Proposals
- Major Policy Decisions
- Public Consultations
Current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities
- Delivering our Services
- Recruitment and employment of staff
- Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Data Transparency
- Pay Policy Statement
Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to our functions
- Planning Applications
- Licencing Register
- Controlled Parking Zones
- Electoral Register
- Disclosure Log
- CCTV locations
- Senior Officers Declarations
- Councillor’s interests, gifts and hospitalities (can be found on their individual Councillor pages)
Information not included in the classes of information
We want to make as much information as possible available. However there is some information that cannot be made available. This includes information relating to individuals and information subject to certain legal exemptions. A full list of exemptions is available at the Information Commissioner's Office website.
If we have to withhold information within a document, we will normally mark that document. This will show that information has been withheld and explain why.
Information available but not originating from Harrow Council
We sometimes provide information that we did not produce. Where we include this information in our scheme, we make sure this has been indicated.
We try to make sure information we did not produce is up-to-date and accurate.
Disclosure log
If you are unable to find what you are looking for on this page please see our disclosure log. It contains responses to previously submitted FOI requests.