The council is undergoing reform through the "Better Deal for Residents Programme: Shaping Harrow for the future". In addition the council is being subjected to large cuts in government funding. Therefore it is more important than ever to show where we are spending taxpayers' money.
What we publish
We publish information about the following payments:
- for goods and services
- to suppliers and sole traders
- grants
- expenses
- third party service providers
- rent
- transactions with other public bodies
What we don't publish
We are not able to publish details of all expenditure, and the following information is not included:
- information relating to the protection of vulnerable adults and children
- confidential or sensitive information
- information which is exempt from publication under the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act
These payments are shown as ‘Redacted Personal Data’ on the budgets and spending reports.
Other information that is not included in the monthly reports includes:
- salary payments to staff - this is published on the budgets and spending reports page.
- pensions contributions
- severance payments
- transactions relating to the financing or underwriting of debt
- provisions or promises to pay but not yet realised
- housing benefit payments
- council tax or business rate refunds