Formats of information
We make information available in several ways, not just printed booklets:
On our website
Information is available on our website. Where information is available on another website we provide the appropriate link.
Please note that information on other websites is not included in our scheme. We provide links to other websites to be as helpful as we can. However, we are not responsible for the quality of the content on their web pages.
By post or collection from the Civic Hub
We provide information leaflets and booklets. We post them out once we have received a fee if that is applicable. Please use the contact details at the bottom of this page to email your request.
By email
Information may be available by email if requested. Please use the contact details at the bottom of this page to make a request. If there is a significant demand for particular information by email, we'd consider putting it on this website.
Other formats
Some documents in the Publication Scheme are published in alternative formats. This provision is for people with disabilities. Some are published in community languages.
The Council uses Language Line to provide a translation service for callers. This service uses a translator who speaks to the Council's officer and to the caller alternately, by phone.