School library service

Harrow Picture Book Award

In Spring 2023, we launched the Harrow Picture Book Award. It is for children at Key Stage 1 level. The award aims to introduce young children to great picture books.

It also aims to encourage reading for pleasure. This will happen through the sharing and enjoyment of six great books on a chosen theme.

The judging process for this award is meant to be very flexible and inclusive. It can be adapted to suit the children involved. The aim is for teachers and librarians to read all six books with the children.

Then, the children vote to pick their top three. We provide a teachers’ resource pack. The pack contains activities to help the children explore the books in more detail.

At the end of six weeks, the children are invited to an online celebration. It will have a guest of honour: an author, illustrator, or storyteller. The kids get to meet the guest. Then, they announce the winning picture book.

This year all six books share the theme of transport. It takes our young readers around the world, into space and even back in time.

How your school can take part

If your school would like to take part: