Request a home repair

If you are a council tenant or leaseholder in London Borough of Harrow you can request a home repair online.

We repair and maintain:

  • your home and communal areas if you are council tenant
  • the communal areas only if you are a leaseholder

We are not responsible for all repairs. As a tenant you are expected to maintain some things for yourself.

For common repair solutions and guidance you can watch our DIY repair videos.

For a full list of repairs and responsibilities you can view our Repairs Charter.

If you want to request a communal repair see Council estate services: Communal issues.

Request a repair as a council tenant

Council tenants must request repairs through their Council Housing Account. To request a repair:

  • Sign in to your MyHarrow Account
  • Your MyHarrow Account must be linked to your Council Housing Account. For help on how to do this, see How to link to your Housing Account,
  • Access your Council Housing Account from the Housing and Property page

Request a repair


We're advising residents to be cautious of scam phone callers pretending to be a repair company of Harrow Council.

Please ask the caller to provide you with the job reference, their company name, and the exact nature of the repair. You can report scammer calls to your housing officer.

Request a repair as a leaseholder

Leaseholders do not need a MyHarrow Account to request a repair online. For more information about requesting a repair as a leaseholder, see our leaseholder pages.

Emergency repairs 

An emergency repair is anything which can cause an immediate danger to your:

  • health
  • safety
  • security
  • something that may lead to serious damage to the property.

View a list of all emergency repairs. 

These emergency repairs should not be reported online. Instead please call us on: 020 8901 2630.

Issues that we do not repair

Some repairs are not our responsibility so you will need to fix these issues yourself. View the issues we are not responsible for.

Gas leaks

If you think there is a gas leak or you can smell gas you must:

  • contact the National Grid immediately on: 0800 111 999
  • turn off the gas supply at the meter
  • open all doors and windows
  • do not touch or use any electrical switches including door bells
  • do not light a match or use a cigarette lighter.

Gas and heating repairs for internal individual boilers

Repairs relating to the following should be reported to Liberty Group:

  • gas central heating
  • hot water or
  • gas fires.

You can email Liberty Group at:

Electrical safety inspections

We need to make sure the electrics are safe in all our council houses. We will inspect your wiring and give you a certificate. To book an inspection, see booking a home electrical safety inspection.

DIY repair videos

There are some repairs and maintenance tasks that you may be able to carry out yourself. The videos below show how to prevent mould, renew sealant and fix leaks and blockages.


Damp and Mould

If you are a council tenant you can report a damp or mould issue on our housing repair form. If you have concerns about a serious damp or mould issue you can call 020 8901 2630.

A housing advisor can discuss options for further investigation and repair. Find out more on our damp and mould page.

Rechargeable repairs

We expect our council tenants to be responsible and ensure they do not damage or misuse our property. At the end of a tenancy, we expect the property to be returned to us in a good clean condition with no rubbish.

If the property is not in a reasonable condition, you may be charged for the costs of the works. This is what we call a rechargeable repair.

If there is criminal damage to the property you will need to provide us with a crime reference number.

The following are examples of rechargeable repairs:

  • gaining access to your property due to lost or forgotten keys*
  • repairs required as a result of damage from yourself, household members or visitors
  • damage caused by leaks from washing machines or your own appliances or fittings
  • blockages (unless it is caused by an external blocked drain)
  • broken glazing.

Do you have a question about a charge?

If you have a question about your charges, you can contact us online. You can also ask about a repayment plan.

Ask about a rechargeable repair

Are repairs covered by insurance?

Some repairs may be covered. Insurance premiums start from 38p per week. There is no increase in premium if you make a claim. For more information see our Home contents insurance page.

*Lost or forgotten keys

If you lose your keys or get locked out you'll be charged for any costs for gaining access to your home. If you call us to attend a lock-out we'll attend as soon as possible. You may have to wait if we're dealing with emergency or priority repairs. We recommend keeping a spare set of keys with someone you know and trust in case you lose yours.