The London Borough of Harrow is responsible for ensuring that its business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards.
The governance comprises the systems and processes, cultures and values, by which the Council is directed and controlled. It is also through which we account to, engage with and, where appropriate, provide leadership to our communities.
It ensures that public money is safeguarded, properly accounted for, and used economically, efficiently and effectively.
The Council conducts an annual review of its governance arrangements, including the system of internal control. This is an evidenced based self-assessment, supplemented by management assurance provided by corporate/divisional directors and Shared-Service governance self-assessments.
The purpose of the review is to provide assurance from a number of sources that corporate governance arrangements are adequate and operating effectively. Where gaps are identified there are actions planned that will ensure effective governance in future.
The outcome of the review is detailed in the Annual Governance Statement which is published with the Statement of Accounts.