A priority for the council
The regeneration of Wealdstone and the town centre is a priority for Harrow Council. It is designated as an Opportunity Area in the London Plan.
We are working with a range of strategic partners to provide significant improvements and support the growth and development of Wealdstone. Simultaneously we're accommodating the future needs of local businesses, residents, and the public travelling into the town.
Wealdstone is at the heart of the Council’s regeneration programme.
The borough expects over 5,500 new homes, a school, and a health centre to be built. This will create around 3,000 jobs as a result of development in the area.
The regeneration and development of key sites in the area will increase travel demand. This will require changes to the transport infrastructure in Wealdstone. These key sites include:
- Poets corner (existing civic centre site)
- Byron Park (leisure centre site)
- Peel House car park (potential new civic centre)
Town Centre public transport improvements - A409/High Street corridor
A transport study was undertaken in 2017 to assess the impact of development. It also identifies opportunities to support growth.
- Wealdstone Transport Study Report
- Wealdstone Transport Study appendices A - E
- Wealdstone Transport Study appendix F
- Wealdstone Transport Study appendices G to L
The increase in future journeys generated by development is expected to be by sustainable forms of transport. They include walking, cycling and public transport.
Working with Transport for London, the council has secured a £2.25m investment. This is designated for high street improvements for Wealdstone Town Centre.
The approved scheme supports the ambitious regeneration plans for Wealdstone. It comprises a town centre and bus improvement plan that will change the centre of town and help improve walking, cycling and bus journeys.
For more information see Wealdstone Transport Improvements.
Liveable neighbourhood
Transport for London has a programme of introducing liveable neighbourhoods in London. These are public spaces redesigned to create healthy streets. The aim is to:
- reduce the dominance of motor traffic
- prioritise space for more sustainable, healthy and active travel
- make public realm improvements that can enhance the local environment and quality of life for local people
Find out more via the Wealdstone proposals website.
Future high streets
The Future High Streets Fund was launched by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) in December 2018. It's a key part of the government’s plan to renew and reshape town centres and to make them more attractive places to live, work and visit.