School Travel Planning
A School Travel Plan (STP) is a package of practical initiatives. It encourages active, healthy, safe and sustainable travel as an alternative to driving. An STP is developed, maintained and monitored by the whole school community. It is based on consultation, in partnership with the wider community, with:
- pupils
- staff
- parents
- governors
There are elements that every STP should contain, which include:
- survey results showing how pupils and staff currently travel to school, and how they would like to travel to school
- objectives and specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time specific (SMART) targets
- a plan of activities and measures to make journeys to the school safer, healthier and more environmentally friendly
- a programme of monitoring and review
- support and signatures from the head teacher, chair of the governors and other relevant stakeholders
STPs are living documents. They evolve as initiatives and activities are implemented at the school and as pupils’ travel needs change.
Active travel maps showing walking distances and public transport have been provided to each school. To request one please contact your school.
Benefits of a School Travel Plan
The main aim of an STP is to reduce single occupancy car use on the school journey. Increasing sustainable travel helps to reduce congestion and pollution. It also improves the health and fitness of children.
Schools with an accredited travel plan can access extra funding and support from TfL to further develop their travel plans. Having a school travel plan, shows how schools are:
- working to keep children safe
- improve health and wellbeing
- reduce environmental impact
STPs also contribute towards pupils’ personal development by building confidence and life skills. STPs enable schools to further develop links and relationships with the local community.
Free support for schools
All schools are encouraged to develop STPs, to encourage safe, active and sustainable travel on the school journey. This can be achieved by using Transport for London’s STARS scheme.
You can access free support and advice from a dedicated travel planner in Harrow Council. For more information please contact the Travel planning team via the details at the end of this page.