Children's health services sign-posting
Select the service you need from the drop-down list below.
If the service you need is not listed, try looking on the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust website
- Audiology (hearing)
- Children and Young People’s Continuing Care Service
- Community dental service
- Community Learning Disability Team
- Community Nursing Service
- Community Paediatric Service
- Designated Clinical Officer (DCO)
- Early Intervention in Psychosis Service
- General Practitioners (GP)
- Health visiting service
- Nutrition and dietetics
- Mental health services
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry (feet)
- School-aged immunisations
- School Health Service
- Speech and language therapy
- Substance misuse service
- Urgent treatment centres

Audiology (hearing)
Audiology services are for Children and young people aged 0-18 who are deaf or have hearing difficulties, and patients aged up to 25 years of age with complex needs. The child or young person must either be registered with a Harrow GP or be a Harrow resident.
Children and Young People’s Continuing Care Service
The service is for children and young people aged 0-18 who are registered with a Harrow GP and have:
- complex health needs that include behavioural, emotional, mental health or physical disabilities
- identified health needs that cannot be met by existing universal, targeted and specialist local health services
- a rapidly deteriorating condition which requires a care package to support end of life care

Community dental service
This service is for the following groups of patients, whose needs are not met by general dental services. They must be registered with a Harrow GP:
- Adults and children with a learning disability
- Adults and children with a severe physical disability
- Adults and children with complex medical histories, and who have conditions that require special care before/during/after dental treatment
- Children under the age of 16 with extensive dental needs due to high decay rate, dental trauma or dental abnormalities
- Children under 16 with dental anxiety
- Children under care of social services – if care by general dental service is not appropriate
- Domiciliary care for the housebound in their own homes
What does the service provide?
This service is delivered by dentists, nurses, an oral health promoter such as a specialist in paediatric dentistry, a senior dental officer, and dental officers. These professionals have relevant skills and experience for delivering service for paediatric and special care patients.

Community Learning Disability Team
It provides specialist health support to enable adults with learning disabilities aged 18+ to be healthy, independent and valued members of their community. The team also works closely with Harrow’s Disabled Children and Young People’s Service (0-25) to ensure that young people under the care of this team make a successful transition to adults’ services provided by the Harrow Community Learning Disability Team.

Community Nursing Service
Our children's community nursing team care for children and young people who:
- require nursing support
- are between the ages of 0 and 19.
We are a team of experienced children's nurses who work closely with other healthcare professionals to provide high quality care for your child.

Community Paediatric Service
The Community Paediatric service, based at Alexandra Avenue Health and Social Care Centre, is made up of senior Consultant Paediatricians who are specialists in the assessment and management of children and young people with developmental problems and complex neuro-disability.
The child or young person must have a Harrow GP.
Designated Clinical Officer (DCO)
The DCO is employed by NHS North West London Integrated Care Board (ICB). The DCO works with colleagues in Harrow to improve health services for children and young people with SEND. The role is based on SEND reforms that emphasise joined up work between Health Commissioners, Providers and Local Authority colleagues. The DCO ensures joined up planning, practice and good outcomes for children and young people.

Early Intervention in Psychosis Service
Harrow and Hillingdon Early Intervention Service is for people aged 14 to 35 experiencing their first episode of psychosis. Once referred, service users can remain with the team for up to three years.
General Practitioners (GP)
General practitioners (GP), or family doctors, are the first point of contact in health.
Health visiting service
The Health Visiting Service provide advice, support and intervention to families with children. They help parents make decisions affecting their family’s health.
They offer support during pregnancy, in the weeks after the birth, and as your child grows. Staff help families with parenting issues, local services and support groups.

Nutrition and dietetics
The team of specialist dietitians assess and treat you for any problems that you might have relating to your diet or nutrition.

Mental health services
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Supporting children and young people with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Harrow Cove
Harrow Cove is a service where individuals can go if they are experiencing a mental health crisis. You can simply turn up, no appointment necessary.
Harrow Horizons
The service offers support to children and young people aged between 4 and 18, and up to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities.
Mind in Harrow: HeadsUp
HeadsUp offers a selection of support including one-to-one and group support sessions, depending on the needs of the young person. Across our partners, our areas of expertise are LGBT+, refugees and asylum seekers, ADHD and autistic young people and support for self-harm.
Occupational Therapy
Our Occupational Therapists provide a high quality service to children and young people in Harrow.

Our team of physiotherapists in Harrow assess and care for children who have:
- long term conditions, physical disabilities and developmental problems (for children and young people who are between 0 and 18 years old, or up to 19 for children in special schools)
- musculoskeletal and orthopaedic conditions (for children and young people who are between 0 and 16 years old).
Our team have specialist skills as well as expert knowledge of child development and childhood disabilities.

Podiatry (feet)
Community Podiatry is a specialised service for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of patients with foot and lower limb pathologies. It provides assessment, diagnosis and management of feet and lower limbs to support good foot health and maintain mobility.

School-aged immunisations
The school-aged immunisation programme provides:
- HPV 2 doses for girls in Year 8
- Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio, MenACWY for pupils in Year 9
- Flu Nasal Spray Vaccination for pupils in Reception - Year 5
School Health Service
The school nursing service carries out health screening for children including:
- height
- weight
- vision tests
They provide general advice and specialist assistance for children with medical needs.

Speech and language therapy
Our paediatric speech and language therapy service provides a high quality service to children and young people in Harrow.
Substance misuse service
Compass provides a free and confidential service. It's for children, young people and families who need help with their own or another's drug or alcohol use. People under 18 years can self refer or be referred. They can then support them up to the age of 24.

Urgent treatment centres
Urgent treatment centres provide medical care when it is not critical or life threatening for people of all ages.
The centres are GP-led with emergency care practitioners and nurses. They can help diagnose and treat common problems that are urgent and need unscheduled treatment.
You do not need an appointment or have a fixed address to use this service. You do not need to be registered with a GP.