Proxy voting

Please note that in order to vote by proxy, your name needs to be on the electoral register. For information about registering, please see Individual electoral registration.

Voting by proxy is an alternative method of voting if you are unable to go to the polling station in person.  The term 'by proxy' means that you appoint someone you trust to vote on your behalf. An appointed proxy must be 18 years old or older and currently registered to vote at an address in the UK.

A reason to appoint a proxy must be provided or your application will be rejected.

When applying to vote by proxy, you must provide:

  • your date of birth
  • your signature.
  • your National Insurance Number (This is due to a change in electoral law which requires your identity to be verified when applying to vote by proxy)

To apply to vote by proxy for a particular election or if you are a registered overseas or service elector, please use the link below:

Apply to vote by proxy

For all other reasons or if you are unable to apply online, please email us at with your name, address and telephone number or alternatively more information may be found on the Electoral Commission website.

An elector will only be able to act as a proxy for up to 2 people living in the UK (or a maximum of 4 people, with 2 people living in the UK and 2 people registered as living overseas).

Emergency proxy

You can apply to vote by emergency proxy up to 5pm on polling day if your circumstances changed after the deadline to apply to vote by proxy. Your application must be received by our office before 5pm on polling day.

To apply to vote by emergency proxy, complete and return the relevant form:

A scanned copy of the form can be emailed to or if time allows, posted to the address below.

Proxy & postal voting

Address: Harrow Council Electoral Services
PO Box 1358