
How to find opportunities to sell to the council

UK Public Procurement is Changing

Procurement Act 2023

The Procurement Act 2023 received Royal Assent on 26 October 2023. It is expected to come into force in February 2025. For guidance see The Procurement Act 2023: A short guide for suppliers

For suppliers who wish to know more about the Procurement Act 2023, please see a webinar and the accompanying slides from the Cabinet Office.

Provider Selection Regime

The Provider Selection Regime (PSR) came into force on 1 January 2024. The London Borough of Harrow now applies the PSR when procuring healthcare services. For guidance, see PSR Statutory guidance.

Find opportunities to sell to the Council

Use the London Tenders Portal to:

  • Register for updates
  • Find opportunities for contracts valued above £100,000

Find opportunities on the London Tenders Portal

Supply Ready Harrow

Are you a local business looking to win public sector contracts and access more supply chain opportunities? Our new programme, Supply Ready Harrow, will train and support businesses to access and compete for contracts from London Borough of Harrow and other organisations.

Find out more about Supply Ready Harrow

Future contract opportunities

The Procurement Pipeline 2024-27 spreadsheet contains details of contracts valued greater than £100,000 including:

  • Contracts expected to be re-procured
  • New procurement projects that are expected to be undertaken

UK Public contract thresholds

From 1st January 2024, the thresholds set under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (as amended) are:

  • £5,372,609 (inclusive of VAT) for Works Contracts
  • £214,904 (inclusive of VAT) for Supply, Services and Design Contracts
  • £663,540 (inclusive of VAT) for Social and other Specific Services under the Light Touch Regime

If the estimated contract value exceeds these thresholds, the procurement process must be undertaken in accordance with the detailed procedures set out under the Public Contract Regulations. 

Our contracts register

You can find all our published contract opportunities on our eTendering system the London Tenders Portal (ProContract). After registering, you can improve and narrow your search by choosing the 'Harrow Council' search option. This will show you our contracts.