Unpaid business rates

Business rates summons

How do I pay the summons?

If you have received a summons you have the following options:

  1. Pay the balance of the summons in full including the costs. You can make payments by credit or debit card using our automated telephone payment system. It's available 24 hours, 7 days a week Tel:020 8424 1220 or Pay online
  2. Make payment by arrangement. See the ‘Do you still need to pay your Business Rates’ letter. You just need to pay the monthly amounts on the specified date. You do not need to contact the Council. No further action will be taken if you keep the payments up to date.
  3. Pay your monthly instalments up to date including the summons charge.This must be subject to prior agreement with the Council. You can request this using the Business Rates General Enquiry form.

If you can't pay according to the options above, the Council may be able to accept an alternative payment arrangement. You will need to request this using the link below. If no arrangement is agreed then further recovery action may be taken.

Request a payment arrangement

What to do if you have paid the correct amount on the correct date

If you have paid the correct amount as stated on your bill, on the correct date, you will need to check that the payment has cleared.

You can do so by checking your bank statement. If the payment has cleared, but the council has not received it, you will need to provide proof of your payment. This will enable us to update your account.

You can provide the following proofs of payment:

  • your bank or credit card statement showing the payment
  • a receipt for the payment
  • any other valid proof that you have to clearly show the payment in question

Please submit the proof with a cover letter, explaining which payment has gone missing, using the Evidence form.

What is a summons?

When you receive a summons, you will already have forfeited your statutory right to pay by instalments. You can set up a special payment arrangement to pay the balance on your account, plus the summons costs.

You will have a choice of three options alone to pay the balance. The summons will advise you of your outstanding amount and court hearing date.

You don't need to request attending court if you agree that you are responsible to pay the debt.

Why has a summons been issued?

  • You haven't paid the correct amount of your instalment and on the correct date as shown on your bill, Reminder Notice or Final Notice
  • Your payment had not reached your account when the summons was issued

Attending court

Due to COVID-19, the Magistrates Courts presently require that no individual attend a Business Rates Court hearing in person.

Please do not attend Court without proof of a timed appointment as you may not be allowed into the building.

If you believe that you do not owe, or should not have to pay, the Business Rates, then you must contact the Council sufficiently in advance of the hearing date.

If agreement cannot be reached, the Court may offer timeslots to attend the hearing by electronic means. You will need to contact the Council directly to discuss this using the Evidence form.

Please select ‘other evidence not listed’ and attach your cover letter entitled ‘Dispute’.