Apply for planning permission

Planning application frequently asked questions

Does my planning permission expire once granted?   

You have three years to start on your development unless a condition attached to the planning permission says differently.

If you haven’t started the development after three years, you will need to re-apply for planning permission.   

What if I need to make changes to my application after I have submitted it? 

There are two types of amendments you can apply for following the grant of planning permission: 

  • a non-material amendment 
  • a minor-material amendment   

How do I know whether the amendment is material or non-material?  

There are no set guidelines as to what can be considered as non-material or minor material. Each case is assessed on its own merits.   

You can find detailed guidance about both these types of applications. See the ‘Flexible options for planning permissions’ section of the Planning Practice Guidance website.