Busking licence

What is a Busking licence?

  • Busking is the action of entertaining people in a public place. This is usually in the form of dancing, singing, or similar art forms. To busk in Harrow Town Centre you need to apply for a Busking licence.

Busking locations in Harrow

There are two designated busking pitches in Harrow Town Centre:

  1. St Anns Road, opposite The Royal Oak: 86 St Anns Road, Harrow HA1 1JP.
  2. St Anns Road, under the tree opposite Card Factory: 32 St Anns Road, Harrow HA1 1LQ.

Buskers will need to ensure that there is room for people to walk past unobstructed. Buskers must make space for wheelchairs, prams and the visually impaired.

If your audience blocks a doorway, market stall, or access to a shop please stop and clear the blockage. If you do not, you could be charged with obstruction under the Highways Acts (1980).

Applying for a Busking licence

To apply for a Busking licence you will need to submit the following details:

  • Your full name
  • The date you wish to perform (must be at least seven calendar days in the future but no more than a month in advance*)
  • The desired time slot (slots are every two hours between10am-4pm with final performances ending no later than 6pm)
  • Which pitch you would like
  • Your contact number.

Please send the above information to info@ha1bid.co.uk to submit your application.

What happens next?

Licences are currently free. If there is availability for the slot you requested a licence will be issued. If it's not available you will be offered an alternative. 

You will not be permitted to book two adjacent time slots, and only allowed to perform once a day at any spot.

You must show your licence to staff from the following organisations if they ask to see it:

  • London Borough of Harrow
  • Harrow BID
  • LAS Enforcement officers

Anyone performing in a non-designated area will be asked to move and may be fined. They may get a Community Protection Notice under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act (2014).

Failure to follow the rules will also result in your licence being revoked. You may receive a fine and a temporary or permanent ban from performing in the town centre.

Your performance

Your performance will have an impact on people nearby. Please be aware of this and be willing to leave or adjust your performance if necessary. Please don’t cause offence or humiliation.


The biggest cause of complaints around busking is the level of sound. Sound can travel a long way and go high into the air. Harrow Town Centre is surrounded by flats, shops, and offices which can cause sound to reach higher levels.

Because the people inside can’t walk away, please make sure your volume doesn't bother them. For this reason amplifiers must not be used. Don’t repeat music in the same location as it's likely to cause nuisance and annoyance to those nearby. Acts with varied content are much more popular.


Please make sure no one can trip over your equipment. Never leave any instruments or belongings unattended. Please keep the pitch clean and tidy-up afterwards, taking litter home with you.

Collecting money

Performers can accept donations, but the public must never feel obliged to pay. You can give away CDs or other items, but you cannot charge a fee for them. To sell items for a fee you need a Street Trading Licence. If you are collecting for charity you'll need a permit.