Home library service

What is the Home library service?

The Home library service can visit you if you live in Harrow. It may work for you if you find it difficult to get to a library because you:

  • are elderly
  • have a disability or long-term illness
  • are caring for someone.

The Home library service can make regular visits and the service is free.

What does the service include?

You will have access to a range of literature, including:

  • books in small and large print
  • audiobooks on CD and cassette
  • books in foreign languages
  • music cassettes and CDs
  • jigsaws.

The items will be delivered to your home every four weeks. Many items are available in a range of languages.

Apply for the Home library service

If you need help to apply, a relative, friend, or carer can apply for you.

  • You can apply for the service by calling: 020 3714 7741.

Apply for the service