What the Harrow Early Years team do

Contact the Harrow Early Years team

For Early Years Enquiries

Support, advice and information:

To contact a member of the Early Years team

Role Name Telephone Mobile Email
EYFS Leadership, Curriculum and Learning Advisor Claire Heale   07928 513327 claire.heale@harrow.gov.uk 
Traded Services Manager – Education Services  Mina Tanna 020 8736 6780  07708 835079 mina.tanna@harrow.gov.uk
Early Years Business Support Jasmine Alexander 020 8416 8402   jasmine.alexander@harrow.gov.uk

For SEND Team Enquiries

Support, advice and information:

To contact a member of the SEND Team

Role Name Telephone Mobile Email
Early Years SEND Manager Denise Deighton 020 8736 6215 07747 152652 denise.deighton@harrow.gov.uk
Early Years SEND Advisor Kamran Malik 020 8736 6552 07879 117660 kamran.malik@harrow.gov.uk
Early Years SEND Advisor Seema Anda 0208 424 1769 07761 405920 seema.anda@harrow.gov.uk
Early Years SEND Business Advisor, Inclusion Funding Archana Dattani 020 8863 5838  07708 835087 archana.dattani@harrow.gov.uk

For Families Information Service

Early Education Funding, support, advice and information:

To contact a member of the FIS Team

Role Name Telephone Email
Families Information Service Manager Joan Ugwu 020 8416 8879 joan.ugwu@harrow.gov.uk