Business support

The Economic Development Team provide useful information to new and existing businesses. It includes:

  • business development
  • skills and employment
  • business rates advice
  • health and safety
  • environmental health
  • trading standards
  • other regulatory information
  • selling to the council
  • commercial premises including incubators units
  • investment profiles of local centres

Business mentoring and support programmes

Boost your business with our mentoring and support programmes:

Expertise and advice

We can put you in touch with organisations that offer tailored advice and expertise on all aspects of business:

  • Starting a business - Register your interest
  • Financing and grants
  • Taxes
  • Sales and marketing
  • IT and e-commerce
  • Business planning
  • Online selling
  • Mentoring and training
  • Seminars and support services
  • Recruitment
  • Business news and policies
  • legal aLd financial advice
  • Local trading and networking

Visit GOV.UK Business and self-employed webpage for more info on starting up and trading.

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