Household Support Fund

London Borough of Harrow has been allocated £1.47 million from the Department of Work and Pensions’ Household Support Fund to support vulnerable households facing a rise in the cost of living. The funding is available from 1 April to 30 September 2024.

How we will use the funding

  • Free school meals (FSM) during the school holiday periods for Summer and Autum terms in 2024. Those who receive FSM are eligible for this support
  • Application Scheme run by Citizens Advice Harrow to support those who are struggling with the rising cost of living and/or are at crisis point (see below)
  • Information and advice through the Conversation Café, targeting support for unpaid carers
  • Vouchers for care leavers moving to independent accommodation. Those eligible will receive this support, there is no need to apply 
  • Food Support via HelpHarrow

Apply for the Household Support Fund

We are working with Citizens Advice Harrow to distribute vouchers to eligible residents. Applications for the Household Support Fund are now open. The scheme will remain open until September 2024, or until funds run out.

To be eligible for the scheme you must:

  • be a Harrow resident
  • be liable for energy/fuel costs for your home
  • need support with your day to day living expenses including food and utility bills. You will need to provide 3 months of bank statements as evidence.
  • have not had an award from the Household Support Fund application scheme in the last 3 months
  • comply with any reasonable conditions concerning the payment award. This may include receiving support from advice agencies

To apply for support, contact Citizens Advice Harrow:

For more information about how the Government can support you with the rising cost of living, please visit the Government’s Cost of Living Hub.

Funded by UK Government