Stanmore and Edgware Golf Club Inquiry

Address: Stanmore and Edgware Golf Centre, Brockley Hill, Stanmore, HA7 4LR

Local Planning Authority reference: P/3088/20/6054

Planning Inspectorate References: APP/M5450/W/22/3299650

Council Appeal Officer Contact: Shahid Miah: Council Planning Officer Contact: Nicola Rankin:

Address: Stanmore and Edgware Golf Centre, Brockley Hill, Stanmore, HA7 4LR

Opening on 11th October 2022

  • Local Planning Authority references: P/3088/20/6054
  • Planning Inspectorate References:  App/M5450/W/22/3299650
  • Council Appeal Officer Contact: Shahid Miah:
  • Council Planning Officer Contact: Nicola Rankin

The giving of evidence on this inquiry by the Council and appellant was completed on Monday 17th October.  The closing session for the Public Inquiry will take place on Friday 4th November online at 1pm. 

You can view the closing session online below:

Join the inquiry online


Reason for the Public Inquiry

Appeal by Sairam (Holdings) Ltd relating to:

  • P/3088/20/6054 – PINS Ref: App/M5450/W/22/3299650

Description: Demolition of existing golf club buildings and construction of a single and two storey building for a banqueting facility; widening of existing vehicular access from Brockley Hill, car and cycle parking, waste/recycling storage, landscape enhancement and associated works.

An inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will hold the Inquiry which is intended to run for six days.

The Inquiry will be held in-person at the above address.

Anyone wishing to attend, or give their views on, the Inquiry must make it known to the Council’s Appeals Officer who can be contacted using the details above.


It should also be noted, all the core documents are those that will be referred to by both parties during the appeal.