Residential design

The supplementary planning document (SPD) provides guidance for those involved in the design and planning of new homes, conversions and extensions. It is aimed at improving the quality of new residential development across the borough.

Included in the SPD are standards for both internal and external layout and design features. The SPD also includes amenity and streetscape considerations to improve Harrow's public realm and ensure development enhances and respects local character.

The SPD therefore applies to any proposal in Harrow that creates new homes:

  • new-build development
  • any change of use to dwellings
  • conversions of houses to flats alongside extensions to existing dwellings.

SPDs are used to provide further detail and guidance on the implementation of policies and proposals contained in Local Development Documents.

SPDs are non-statutory documents which are not subject to an independent examination and do not have Development Plan status. However, they are subject to a thorough process of public consultation. This is carried out in accordance with the council's Statement of Community Involvement and must also be consistent with national and regional planning policies.

While SPDs are not statutory documents, they are material considerations when assessing planning applications.

To find out more, download the Residential Design Guide SPD (2010)

Supporting document

Request a copy

You can purchase a professionally bound copy of the SPD for £10 including postage and packaging. To request a copy, please contact us using the details provided below.

Planning policy

For information about planning policy matters and advice on the Harrow self-build register.

Address: Harrow Council
Planning policy
PO Box 1358

Telephone: 020 8736 6082