Find out about major developments near the Harrow borough boundary. Our neighbouring councils decide these applications. But, we want to keep Harrow residents informed on these developments.
We value the opinions of our residents and are always eager to hear your views. Below, you’ll find details about current applications and how you can get in touch with us.
Major planning applications
Broadwalk Shopping Centre
A planning application for a comprehensive, phased mixed-use redevelopment of the site. Comprising of residential (C2, C3, and Sui Generis) and a range of town centre uses. It has been submitted to the London Borough of Barnet by Ballymore (Edgware) Ltd. The sites are:
- Broadwalk Shopping Centre and surface level car park
- Edgware Bus Station
- Edgware Bus Garage
- Redhill Medical Centre
- Deans Brook Nature Reserve.
The site is close to Harrow, and we understand that there will be interest from our residents.
What is being proposed?
A phased, mixed-use redevelopment of the site is proposed. It will include residential (C2, C3, and Sui Generis) and various town centre uses. It will also include flexible commercial, business, service, hotel, and learning uses (Use Classes E/C1/F1/Sui Generis).
There will be tall buildings, a new transport interchange, a basement bus depot, and public space. The project includes car and bike parking, landscaping, and other works. (Outline application with full details in respect of access for phases 1, 3 and (in part) 2 and (in respect of part of phase 1) landscaping).
Can I comment on the application?
Yes, the London Borough of Barnet will consult the public. It will end on 27 September 2024. You can comment on the application by visiting on Barnet's website. Enter the reference: 24/2686/OUT.
Will Harrow make a formal representation?
Yes, we are a statutory consultee. We will make a representation on the proposals. Representations made by the council are based on planning policy.
Should I share my views with London Borough of Harrow?
Although the application is in Barnet, we are keen to understand the views of our residents. You can email us at to express your views. You must still submit any formal representation to Barnet Council.
When will a decision be made on the planning application?
Barnet Council is consulting residents and other services. It will assess all information from the applicant. It is currently anticipated that a decision will be made later this year.
Land south of Elstree Road and east of Heathbourne Road
A planning application for an Intergenerational Continuing Care Community has been submitted to Hertsmere Borough Council. The site is close to Harrow and we understand that there will be interest from our residents.
What is being proposed?
An outline application (with all matters reserved except access) to reclaim a previous landfill site. It aims to create a phased Intergenerational Continuing Care Community. The project will follow the principles of social prescribing and Age Friendly place-making.
The development will include:
A mix of C2 and C3 residential units.
C2 care facilities.
A clubhouse.
Other buildings and facilities for Class E, F1, F2, and sui generis uses.
Open spaces, parks, and natural areas.
Play and sports facilities and community gardens.
Ancillary Class E and F2 amenities.
A new transport hub and related facilities.
Access routes, parking, cycle paths, and footpaths.
Infrastructure for drainage, utilities, and services.
Can I comment on the application?
The consultation for this application has passed. You can view comments on the application by visiting the Hertsmere website. Enter the reference: 24/0692/OUTEI.
Will Harrow make a formal representation?
Yes, we are a statutory consultee. We have made a representation on the proposals, which you can view on the Hertsmere Planning portal. Representations made by the council are based on planning policy
Should I share my views with London Borough of Harrow?
Hertsmere is deciding on the application but we still want to know our residents' views. You can email us at
When will a decision be made on the planning application?
It is currently anticipated that a decision will be made in the autumn.