Edgware Growth Area Supplementary Planning Document

The London Boroughs of Barnet and Harrow have jointly adopted the Edgware Growth Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It is to provide guidance on how Edgware Town Centre can successfully undergo renewal and serve as a destination for local residents and businesses.

Edgware Town Centre has a diverse character, vibrant community and excellent shopping opportunities. The planning framework will support redevelopment of key sites to:

  • reflect Edgware’s status as a major town centre
  • reinforce the role of the high street
  • provide new public spaces
  • make the street environment more attractive

The environment for pedestrians and cyclists will be improved, providing better options for more sustainable transport and safe and active movement. The town centre will also provide opportunities for new high-quality homes, including affordable housing.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) are used to provide further details on the implementation of Local Development Documents.

SPDs are non-statutory documents. They are not subject to an independent examination and do not have Development Plan status. However, they are subject to a thorough process of public consultation. This is in accordance with the council's Statement of Community Involvement and must also be consistent with national and regional planning policies.

While SPDs are not statutory documents, they are material considerations when assessing planning applications.

Request a copy

You can purchase a professionally bound copy of the Supplementary Planning Documents for £10 including postage and packaging. To request a copy, please contact us using the details at the end of the page.

Planning policy

For information about planning policy matters and advice on the Harrow self-build register.

Address: Harrow Council
Planning policy
PO Box 1358

Telephone: 020 8736 6082