Tall Buildings Supplementary Planning Document

What is a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)?

An SPD provides guidance on planning policies in the Local Plan. It can be:

  • appraisals of particular areas
  • planning briefs for specific sites or
  • topic-based supplementary planning guidance notes.

This SPD guides sensitive development in dense suburbs. It focuses on projects that seek to add height. The SPD will help ensure that development proposals are well-designed. It will also assess the height of buildings in Harrow's suburbs.

SPDs are non-statutory documents. They are not independently examined. They do not have Development Plan status. But, SPDs are subject to thorough public consultation.

This is in line with our Statement of Community Involvement. It must also be consistent with national and regional planning policies.

SPDs are not statutory documents. But, they are considered in planning applications.

Request a copy of an SPD

You can buy a bound copy of the SPD for £10.00 including postage and packaging. To request a copy, contact our planning policy team.