Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The CIL allows us to raise funds for infrastructure from new development. It is levied on the net increase in floorspace from development. In Harrow there are two CILs:

The Mayoral CIL

The Mayoral CIL is charged at a rate of £60.00 per square metre. It applies to all new developments in Harrow where:

  1. there is over 100 square metre gross internal floor space. or
  2. one or more dwellings are created.

This rate excludes indexation. It is calculated from the date planning permission is granted.

Harrow CIL

We adopted the CIL on 16th September 2013. It applies borough-wide where:

  1. there is over 100 square metre gross internal floor space. or
  2. one or more dwellings are created.

The CIL was examined by the Planning Inspectorate. It was found to be legally compliant.

Fees and charges

  • Residential (Use Class C3). £110.00 per square metre.
  • Hotels (Use Class C1). £55.00 per square metre.
  • Residential institutions except hospitals (Use Class C2). £55.00 per square metre.
  • Student Accommodation, Hostels, and HMOs (Sui generis). £55.00 per square metre.
  • Retail (Use Class A1). £100.00 per square metre.
  • Financial & Professional Services (Use Class A2). £100.00 per square metre.
  • Restaurants and Cafés (Use Class A3). £100.00 per square metre.
  • Drinking Establishments (Use Class A4). £100.00 per square metre.
  • Hot Food Takeaways (Use Class A5). £100.00 per square metre.

All other uses - no charge.

The above charges were adopted in 2013. They are indexed each year under the CIL Regulations. For the indexed charge rates for 2024, view the Annual CIL Rate Summary 2024.

Annual Rate Summaries for previous years can be found below:

Planning applications

You should complete the Form 1: CIL additional information form below. You should submit it with your planning application.

See more information on the Planning Portal website.

Your decision notice will say if we think your application is CIL liable. You'll also get a CIL Liability Notice soon after, or a request to complete Form 2: Assumption of Liability.

CIL liable developments

If your application is liable for CIL, you should complete:

  • Form 2: Assumption of Liability. Complete this form as soon as possible after receiving a Liability Notice. Do it as soon as you know your development is CIL liable.
  • Form 6: Commencement Notice. Complete this form before the development begins. The form must be completed together with any notice relating to building regulations.

There are some exemptions available from having to pay CIL. They must be applied for and approved before development starts. These exemptions are:

When to notify us

It is your responsibility to notify us if:

If you are not sure which form to complete, contact us before starting development. This will avoid any unnecessary costs.

Making a CIL payment

The Demand Notice and Invoice from the council will detail how to pay your CIL. This is after we've been told your development has started.

Infrastructure payments and discretionary relief

Under regulations 73(A) and 73(B) of the CIL Regulations, we accept infrastructure payments in the borough.

This payment is the provision of one or more items of infrastructure. To be paid by those liable to pay CIL for chargeable development on its commencement. This is known as 'infrastructure in-kind payment'.

For more information, see policy in kind land and infrastructure payments.

We also offer Discretionary Social Housing Relief under regulations 49A and 49B of the CIL Regulations. This relief was agreed by Cabinet on 21st October 2021. It came into effect on 1st November 2021.

Under the regulations, this statement provides details about the availability of discretionary relief. For more information, see the charging schedule.

You can use our online calculator for an idea of how much CIL you will be liable to pay. The amount calculated is only indicative. The CIL liability depends on the indexation rate at the time planning permission is granted.

It also takes into account our measurements of the CIL liable floor area.

A Liability Notice showing the CIL charge will be issued soon after planning permission is granted.

Monitoring Harrow's CIL

You can view our CIL income and expenditure for each financial year:

The Infrastructure Funding Statement (2022) reports the income and spending of CIL and Section 106 money.

It also details the infrastructure projects to be funded in the next few years. The Infrastructure Funding Statement replaces the Council's CIL Income and Expenditure Statements.

The following supporting documents underpin our CIL:

We aim to use CIL revenues and other funds to deliver social, economic, and environmental infrastructure. This helps us support and meet the demands of development.

The Infrastructure Report and revised Infrastructure Assessment and Delivery Plan were prepared in 2012. The information in them will likely have changed (e.g., the number of GP clinics).

The documents will be updated as part of any Local Plan and CIL Charging Schedule review. You can also get current infrastructure information from relevant providers (i.e., NHS).