Access for all Supplementary Planning Document

What is a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)?

An SPD provides guidance on planning policies in the Local Plan. They can be:

  • appraisals of particular areas
  • planning briefs for specific sites or
  • topic-based supplementary planning guidance notes.

They are subject to public consultation. This is under our Statement of Community Involvement. They must be consistent with national and regional planning policies. They are essential when assessing planning applications.

The Access for all SPD

The Access for all SPD provides advice to improve accessibility. It provides guidance for designers and developers. It guides them to design environments with easier access to buildings and facilities. The SPD applies to the whole borough of Harrow.

Request a copy of the SPD

You can buy a bound copy of the Access for all SPD. It will cost £10.00 including postage and packaging.

Accessible homes

Some homes are wheelchair accessible. They are built to a higher standard of accessibility. These homes are suitable for wheelchair users. This is with or without adaptation to meet a user's specific needs). 

For more details, see the Accessible homes SPD.