Housing strategies and policies

Demand for affordable housing in Harrow is increasing and we face new challenges.

We consult residents and other stakeholders when we write our housing strategies and policies.

To consider the impact of our decisions we use equalities impact assessments. This ensures that our policies and services are fair and open to all. It also ensures that they meet the needs of all our service users.

Affordable homes

View our Affordable Homes Programme EDI Plan 2021-2026.

Housing strategy

The housing strategy sets the vision and goals for housing in Harrow:

Housing allocation scheme

The scheme outlines who gets social housing in Harrow:

Tenancy strategy and policy

The strategy outlines our plan for social housing tenancies in Harrow:

Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy

This strategy describes how we help homeless households. It includes those who will not be able to afford to live in Harrow. It also includes temporary housing criteria where we may place you:

Asset Management Strategy

Aids and Adaptations policy

This policy outlines the grants and help for disabled people. It is for adapting housing in Harrow.

Anti-Social Behaviour Policy

 This policy outlines our approach to ASB in our council estates and properties.

Resident Engagement Strategy

Here is the Harrow Council Housing Resident Engagement Strategy. It describes all the ways that you can get involved, have your say, ask questions and be heard. We welcome your engagement to help grow your community, shape services and help monitor outcomes. If you would like to talk to someone in the Resident Engagement team email: rinvolve@harrow.gov.uk