The mayor of Harrow

Councillor Salim Chowdhury

Councillor Salim Chowdhury is Harrow’s 72nd Mayor. He is Harrow’s first British Bangladeshi mayor. His theme for this year is ‘Unity and Diversity’. Councillor Chowdhury is no stranger to Harrow. He moved to the borough when he was 17. His passion to make a difference won him a seat on the Council in 2006. He wanted to ensure people's voices were heard. He has served as a councillor representing Pinner South and now the Centenary ward.

Mayor's role and responsibilities

The mayor is the First Citizen of the London Borough of Harrow. The mayor's office is apolitical. This means that the mayor is politically neutral. He represents the council at civic and ceremonial events. His attendance at events can add to their importance.

His responsibilities include:

  • Attending different types of functions throughout Harrow.
  • Chairing full council meetings. This ensures that we follow constitutional provisions.
  • Hosting citizenship ceremonies.
  • Hosting visits to the mayor's parlour from various groups and schools.
  • Hosting visitors, including representatives of various organisations. As well as foreign visitors like those from our twin town of Douai, France.

Mayor's dress code

The mayor wears his chain and badge of office at functions and events held in Harrow. The mayor does not wear his robes at non-civic events, except in special cases.

Mayor's ChainMayor's chain

The Harrow chain was given gifted by Alderman C.E Brady O.B.E in 1942. He was the first person to wear it when he was elected Chairman in 1943. He later adapted the gift, and it is now the mayoral chain for Harrow. The chain was made in Birmingham by Thomas Fattorini Limited. It is worn by the mayor when attending official engagements.

Mayor's Mace

The mace is the symbol of the mayor's authority. It precedes the mayor at ceremonies and full council meetings. Maces were originally weapons of war, used as clubs and bludgeons. Maces today are merely used ceremonially.

The tapestry on Harrow's mace shows one being wielded by Bishop Odo of Bayeux. Harrow's mace was presented to the Borough in 1954 by the then local MP, Sir Albert Braithwaite D.S.O M.C M.P.

Mayor's RobeMayor's robe

On some civic or ceremonial occasions, the mayor wears a scarlet robe. It is made of superfine scarlet wool with a fur or fake fur trimming. This is based on a High Court Judge's robe. The robes are worn with a lace jabot (like a cravat) at the neck. Lace cuffs may also be worn with white cotton gloves.

The same robes are worn whether the mayor is male or female; but:

  • If male, the mayor wears a bicorn hat with a gold cockade.
  • If female, the mayor wears a tricorne hat again with a gold cockade.

The cockade is always worn on the right-hand side.

Mayor's Crest

See the video where the mayoral crest is described by Mr Mark Dickens. Mr Mark Dickens is a direct descendant of Charles Dickens.

Mayor's chosen charity and donations

The mayor's chosen charity is London's Community Kitchen. They are a charity that helps those struggling with food poverty.  L.C.K (Reg Charity No. 1198839). You can donate to the mayor's charity appeal by bank transfer:

  • Account name: London Borough of Harrow Mayor of Harrow Special Appeal Bank
  • Account number: 85692271
  • Bank Sort Code: 60-10-10
  • Reference: Choudhury

Invite the mayor to an event

If you wish to invite the Mayor to an event, you will need to:

  • Check the mayor's availability. You can do this by contacting the mayor's office.
  • Submit the form below to send the mayor an invitation:

Invite the mayor


You will receive an email confirmation. A reply will follow as soon as the mayor can confirm attendance.

Event attendance

  • Arrival time. The mayor will arrive 10 minutes before an event. (This is unless requested otherwise). The mayor should be welcomed at the entrance by a responsible person. They should escort the mayor to the event.
  • Car. Please arrange parking for the mayoral car near the event entrance.
  • Attendance of the Deputy mayor. When the deputy mayor attends a function in the mayor's place, he should be given the same respect as the mayor.

Ceremony and protocol

The correct title of the mayor is 'The worshipful the mayor of the London Borough of Harrow'. The correct forms of verbal address are:

  • The mayor (male): Mr mayor.
  • The mayor (female): Mr mayor is the correct form of address. Female mayors may elect to be addressed as Madam mayor.
  • The mayoress: Madam mayoress, or mayoress. It is incorrect to refer to the mayoress as the Lady mayoress.
  • The Consort: Mr (followed by name).
  • The Deputy mayor: Mr Deputy mayor.
  • The Deputy mayoress: Madam Deputy mayoress, or Deputy mayoress Dress.

The mayor is the borough's first citizen. He has statutory precedence, ranking him just below the Royal Family. The only exception is when Her Majesty's Lieutenant (or a Deputy Lieutenant acting for the Lord Lieutenant) is attending to represent the Sovereign.

At a function, unless Royalty (or a representative) is present, the mayor should be to the immediate right of the presiding person. It is customary for those present to rise when the mayor enters and leaves.