The Serious Violence Duty (SVD) was introduced by government through the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. It commenced on 31st January 2023.
The SVD comprises a series of mandatory requirements which need to be enforced. These include:
- Undertake an evidence-based analysis of the causes of serious violence in the area. Establish effective data sharing.
- Develop a strategic needs assessment based on the analysis
- Develop and implement a strategy with solutions to prevent and reduce serious violence in the area. These are to be reviewed every year.
SVD strategy 2024
The SVD Strategy 2024 was presented by the Safer Harrow Board. It demonstrates a long-term commitment towards prevention and early intervention. Simultaneously it provides support and protection to those deemed at risk of Serious Violence within the community. This strategy presents Harrow’s understanding and approach to delivering interventions that prevent and respond to incidents of Serious Violence.
You can find out more about the Serious Violence Duty on the GOV.UK website.
Partner agencies
Whilst Harrow is a safe place to live, the strategy acknowledges the devastating impact that violence can have on families. The strategy sets out a shared commitment by partner agencies to work together to prevent Serious Violence in the Borough.
Key agencies including the following organisations support the Council’s strategy to tackle serious violence:
- The Metropolitan Police
- Transport Police
- London Fire Brigade
- Probation Service
- Youth Offending Services
- Public Health
- Safeguarding Team
- Integrated Care Board
- our Voluntary and Community Sector.
Our strategy’s three priority areas are:
- To reduce Serious Violent Crime with young people below the age of 25 within Harrow
- To tackle Violence against Women and Girls
- To encourage a Community Approach to tackling Serious Youth Violence in Harrow (under 25)
The Serious Violence Strategy deliverables will be embedded within the Community Safety Delivery Plan. This will be reviewed on a monthly basis. Our aim is to ensure progress is being made, and as a council we are being reactive to any changes in the Borough. The Strategy will also be reviewed at the Safer Harrow Board on a quarterly basis. During these reviews updates will be provided, and progress will be monitored by stakeholders.
If you need to report a crime go to the Metropolitan Police crime reporting page.