Your right to question a decision

You can question decisions before they are implemented. This process is known as a call in. These are decisions made by:

  • Executives.
  • Portfolio holders.
  • Officers.

Your action could lead to a reconsideration of a decision. Decisions may only be subject to one call in. They must be called in before they are implemented. It will take five working days for a decision to be implemented after it is publicised.

Once a decision is called in, it is referred to the Call In Sub-Committee. This is a sub-committee of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Ways to call in

  1. 150 members of the public can call in a decision of an executive. Those 150 people must be registered on the electoral roll for Harrow. 
  2. Six members of the council can call in an executive decision. This can be of a decision which has been made but not implemented.

Executive decisions on education matters only

Six councillors are needed to call in a decision. It can be six persons, including representatives of the voting co-opted members. It could be at least one political group on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. A co-optee is a non-councillor appointed to serve on the Committee in a participatory role.

Requirements to give reasons

A reason must be given for the call in, based on one of the following grounds:

  • Inadequate consultation with stakeholders before the decision.
  • Absence of adequate evidence on which to base the decision.
  • The decision is contrary to the policy framework. Or contrary to, or not wholly within the budget framework.
  • The action is not proportionate to the desired outcome. 
  • A potential human rights challenge.
  • Insufficient consideration of legal and financial advice.

Submitting a call in

To make a call in you will need to complete the call-in form. This will notify the Director of Legal and Governance Services.

Complete a call in form

Send your complete form to Democratic services.