You can question decisions before they are implemented. This process is known as a call in. These are decisions made by:
- Executives.
- Portfolio holders.
- Officers.
Your action could lead to a reconsideration of a decision. Decisions may only be subject to one call in. They must be called in before they are implemented. It will take five working days for a decision to be implemented after it is publicised.
Once a decision is called in, it is referred to the Call In Sub-Committee. This is a sub-committee of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Ways to call in
- 150 members of the public can call in a decision of an executive. Those 150 people must be registered on the electoral roll for Harrow.
- Six members of the council can call in an executive decision. This can be of a decision which has been made but not implemented.
Executive decisions on education matters only
Six councillors are needed to call in a decision. It can be six persons, including representatives of the voting co-opted members. It could be at least one political group on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. A co-optee is a non-councillor appointed to serve on the Committee in a participatory role.
Requirements to give reasons
A reason must be given for the call in, based on one of the following grounds:
- Inadequate consultation with stakeholders before the decision.
- Absence of adequate evidence on which to base the decision.
- The decision is contrary to the policy framework. Or contrary to, or not wholly within the budget framework.
- The action is not proportionate to the desired outcome.
- A potential human rights challenge.
- Insufficient consideration of legal and financial advice.
Submitting a call in
To make a call in you will need to complete the call-in form. This will notify the Director of Legal and Governance Services.
Send your complete form to Democratic services.