Harrow’s Heroes celebrates local people and teams. Their hard work and dedication make our borough a special place to live and work. It highlights and showcases the best of our borough. We know thousands of people who roll up their sleeves to help the community. From carers and teachers to volunteers and cleaners. We dedicate a night to them every year to say a big thank you.
Become a sponsor
We welcome sponsors who want to support our flagship award event. We can create custom packages to meet your needs. The packages offer you the opportunity to be a part of the awards and to:
- Deliver your corporate social responsibility.
- Show your support for the local community.
- Benefit from a wide range of publicity.
- Promote your business through our marketing channels.
- Reach up to 240,000 residents.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email us. Email the team at: harrowsheroes@harrow.gov.uk.
2024 list of winners
Bringing people together award:
- Cathy Kim
Lifetime achievement award:
- Paul Turner
Good neighbour award:
- David Woon Soong
Outstanding young person award:
- Joshua Patel
Health and wellbeing award:
- Bipin Dattani
Pride in Harrow award:
- Harrow Parks Forum
Team of the year award:
- St Luke's Hospice Bereavement Support Service volunteers
Extraordinary achievement award:
- Casey Dalton
Supporting vulnerable people award:
- Grace Kelly-Graham
Contribution to the community award:
- Chandni Palan.