PfA for young people aged 14-25
We're on a key journey to continue improving support for young people as they grow into adulthood. Preparation for Adulthood promotes collaboration between:
- education
- children's and adult health
- social care services
The transition process is one that all young people go through. However, it can be especially difficult for young people with special educational needs. The transition into adulthood often involves multiple professionals and most importantly the young person.

Young person DJing
Becoming an adult
From 14 onwards, people will start to talk to you about what you want to do when you leave school.
If you have an Education, health and Care (EHC) plan, planning will start in your year 9 transition review at school. Each year your transition plan will be updated. This will be arranged by your school or college.
There will be lots of changes happening in your life over the next few years. This is all part of changing and growing up. But there are lots of people who can help you get ready and understand the changes.
Preparation of Adulthood includes:
- Education and employment
- Health and wellbeing
- Friendships, relationships and community
- Developing skills for independence
Key principles for PfA
- We are committed to a collaborative approach. This involves young people, families, and multiple professionals. The aim is to provide transparent support and advice.
- We ultimately aim to empower families and young people into adulthood.
- We are ambitious and want our young people to have a good quality of life, through having a focus on Health.
- We aim to create opportunities through quality education, employment and lifelong learning skills. Our inclusive approach helps settings meet their needs meaningfully and independently.
- We strive to create networks to develop independence that serve our young people.
- We aim to embed opportunities to harness positive community experiences for all.
We are currently developing the Annual Review paperwork and EHCPs to fully embed the preparation for adulthood themes. We will feature these changes once completed.
See what will be discussed in your annual review from 14 years and beyond.