Register a birth

To register a birth you will need to:

  • register the birth within 42 days of the birth. This is a legal requirement
  • check if the birth took place in the borough of Harrow
  • book an appointment with the register office

Babies born in Northwick Park hospital

If your baby was born in Northwick Park Hospital register the birth with Brent's register office.

Babies born outside the borough of Harrow

If your baby was born outside the borough of Harrow you may indeed register the birth at Harrow. However, you will not receive your baby's certificate at your appointment. Instead, the details of the birth will be forwarded to the borough where the birth took place. That council will issue the birth certificate and post it to your home address. There's no fee for making the declaration at Harrow, however the borough issuing the certificate will charge a fee.