New providers to Harrow

We want to deliver the best possible care and support to our residents. As such we're always open to opportunities to work with new providers. We follow a due process to ensure those we work with meet our Contracts and Quality Assurance guidelines.

Apply to be a new provider

If you wish to work with Harrow, please complete our new provider form

Once we've received your form a member of our contract monitoring team we will be in touch.

New provider form

Should you wish to understand more about the opportunities available in Harrow, view London Tenders Portal, and our Market Position Statement.

Provider Forums

The Harrow Council Commissioning Team holds a range of provider forums. The purpose of these forums is to create a collaborative space, to share strategic plans and priorities as well as promoting good practice between the following bodies:

  • commissioners
  • health sector
  • public health sector
  • voluntary sector

Please contact for more information.