Neighbourhood planning

Preparing a neighbourhood plan

Preparing a neighbourhood plan is a significant undertaking as its preparation is led by the community.

Below is a summary of the key stages in preparing a neighbourhood plan:

Step 1: define your neighbourhood

  • You will need to form a Neighbourhood Forum and submit a neighbourhood area application to the local planning authority. It must include the proposed boundary of the neighbourhood area.
  • The Neighbourhood Forum must have a written constitution, open membership, and comprise a minimum of 21 individuals.
  • The local authority has the power to amend the boundary of the proposed area if it’s thought necessary.
  • The local planning authority publicises the applications for six weeks and invites comments.

Step 2: prepare your plan

If approved, the forum starts preparing the plan. They must engage the community, notify statutory consultees and build an evidence base to justify the eventual policies and proposals.

This stage must include a 6-week consultation period to publicise the proposals and consider responses.

Step 3: an independent check of your plan

A draft plan must then be submitted to the local planning authority, who will formally publicise the proposals for six weeks.

An independent examiner will then be appointed to consider any representations and check it conforms to national and local planning policy. Changes may be recommended.

Step 4: community referendum

Once satisfied with the plan the local council will organise a referendum. A majority of people voting must support the plan if it is to be adopted by the local planning authority.

Step 5 legal force

The local planning authority will then bring the plan into force and publicise its decision. The plan will then become part of the formal development plan for the area.

Role of the council

Neighborhood planning is done by the community and it's a big project. But the Harrow Council, which is responsible for local planning, will be involved and make important decisions throughout the process, such as approving the neighborhood area where the plan will be in effect. The council will also arrange for an independent examination of the plan and a community referendum at the end of the process.

The referendum is an important part of the process. It allows those who live in the area to decide whether the following come into effect:

  • Neighbourhood Development Plan
  • Neighbourhood Development Order
  • Community Right to Build Order

This is direct democracy and outlines the importance of working with the wider community and securing their support at an early stage in the process.

Before undertaking a neighbourhood plan you should consult with the Council’s Regeneration and Planning Division.

Planning policy

For information about planning policy matters and advice on the Harrow self-build register.

Address: Harrow Council
Planning policy
PO Box 1358

Telephone: 020 8736 6082