The Mayor of Harrow

Ceremony and protocol

The Mayor's title

The correct title of the Mayor is ‘The Worshipful The Mayor of the London Borough of Harrow’.

The correct forms of verbal address are

  • The Mayor (male): Mr Mayor
  • The Mayor (female): Mr Mayor is the correct form of address. However, female mayors may elect to be addressed as Madam Mayor.
  • The Mayoress: Madam Mayoress, or Mayoress. It is incorrect to refer to the Mayoress as The Lady Mayoress.
  • The Consort: Mr (followed by name)
  • The Deputy Mayor: Mr Deputy Mayor
  • The Deputy Mayoress: Madam Deputy Mayoress, or Deputy Mayoress Dress


The Mayor is the first citizen of the borough and has statutory precedence, which ranks him immediately after members of the Royal Family. The only exception to this is when Her Majesty's Lieutenant (or a Deputy Lieutenant acting for the Lord Lieutenant) is attending in their official capacity to represent the Sovereign.

At a function, unless Royalty (or a representative) is present, the Mayor should be placed to the immediate right of the person presiding. It is customary for those present to rise when the Mayor enters and leaves.

The Mayor's dress code

The Mayor normally wears his chain and badge of office at functions and events held within the borough. It is not normal for the Mayor to wear his robes at non-civic occasions, except in special cases.