High Street Fund

High Street Fund: North Harrow

North Harrow town centre is located around North Harrow tube station. It is on the junction of Imperial Drive, Station Road and Pinner Road. It also extends to the north on the western side of Pinner Road.  

North Harrow’s shops include convenience shopping, mostly running along the western side of Station Road on both sides of Pinner Road. There is also a range of other services and community facilities in the area.

There is an opportunity to improve North Harrow and revitalise the Pinner Road and Station Road area.

This will be done through public realm and creative place-making improvements delivered through the High Street Fund programme. The proposals will create an attractive identity for North Harrow, creating a sense of belonging and purpose for residents.

Changes will help North Harrow be seen as a place that is cared for and establish local pride. We want to make Pinner Road, Station Road, North Harrow, and its surroundings better for pedestrians, cyclists, residents and businesses.

Potential changes could include improving crossings, new outdoor seating areas, trees and greening, as well as new lighting features.

You can read the consultation feedback and latest updates on the North Harrow, High Street scheme below: